4GB of dedicated graphics memory and 2TB of hard disk drive space. Also this one comes with the latest 6th generation Core i7 processor. These are the three features you need to compare with other laptops falling under the same price range. Apart from those, it comes with Windows 10 OS and 8GB of installed RAM. This is one of our highly recommended Core i7 laptop with dedicated graphics.
No 7200rpm hard disk drive. Not a full HD (FHD 1920x1080p) display. A 2520mAH battery is not at all going to give resonable backup on this laptop if you play games on the go. Compared to ASUS models, the design is not so attractive.
OSWindows 10
Screen15.6inch 1366x768px HD
ProcessorIntel Core i7 6500U - 2.5GHz Processor
Storage2TB HDD - 5400rpm
Graphics4GB NVIDIA GeForce 940M Dedicated Graphics
DVD DriveDVD RW Drive
Camera720P HD Webcam
Card ReaderSD Card REader
Battery4 Cell Battery
ConnectivityWiFi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.0
Ports1x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0, HDMI, VGA, RJ45 LAN, Mic/Headphone Ports
Weight2.4Kg Weight
Max.Thick29mm Thickness
Warranty1 Year Warranty
OSWindows 10
Screen15.6 Inch 1366 x 768px
ProcessorIntel Core i5 6200U2.3GHz
Storage1TB HDD
Screen15.6inch 1366x768 HD
ProcessorAMD E1-2500 Processor 1.4GHz
Storage1TB Hard Disk Drive
ASUS X250TA ATOM/Windows10/11.6inch
ACER ASPIRE ES1-131 Celeron/Windows10/11.6inch
HP 15-AC168TU Pentium/Windows10/15.6inch
Dell Vostro 3558 Corei3/LINUX/15.6inch
Lenovo G50-80 Corei3/Windows10/15.6inch
Dell Inspiron15 3558 Corei3/Windows10/15.6inch
HP14-AM081TU Corei5/Windows10/14inch